Resultados de búsqueda

The People's Poet
The People's Poet
Walter James

The People’s Poet offers variations of what is sometimes right in front of our eyes. The author’s lasting impressions eventually crystallized into poetry that is both emotional and gripping. We may see crime and street violence, or soothing scenes such as nature and the environment. Walter James wrote his earlier poetry about the dramatic and the frightening, but his more recent poems reflect on more serene surroundings and on thoughtful contemplations including the future of mankind. His lasting impressions eventually crystallized into poetry that is both emotional and gripping. Some poems were completed after years passed, including "In Spanish Harlem," …

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9.12 € 9.60 € eBook EPUB
Cirugía de las hernias de la pared abdominal
Cirugía de las hernias de la pared abdominal
Dr. Jorge F. Abraham Arap
Es una obra que aborda la morfofisiología, fisiopatología, clasificación y clínica de las diversas hernias abdominales. Además, se describen las técnicas quirúrgicas más empleadas, así como otras desarrolladas por el autor.
32.57 € 34.28 € Papel
Imputed Rights
Imputed Rights
Robert V. Andelson
Thoughtful and informative, this essay is an analysis of the basis and nature of human rights. Arguing that human rights is an issue that is often invoked but seldom intelligently considered, this record examines concrete, immediate, moral, and social issues, including birth control, taxation, welfare, private behavior, and military service. Noting the inadequacies of non-Christian positions, such as the radical-humanist, utilitarian, and self-realization approaches, this account develops an original thesis in which the absolute ground for rights is the will and grace of God.
9.12 € 9.60 € eBook EPUB
Olhares geográficos sobre a saúde
Olhares geográficos sobre a saúde

A saúde sempre foi percepcionada e sentida como uma das componentes mais relevantes do bem-estar individual e colectivo. A sua importância é tal que, em 2000, a Organização das Nações Unidas a incorporou, explicitamente, em três dos oito -Objectivos de Desenvolvimento do Milénio- (ODM), a alcançar até 2015 A dilatação da esperança de vida tornou-se, (à), numa preocupação permanente das políticas públicas de saúde do Pós-Guerra. -Dar mais anos à vida- é mesmo um dos grandes lemas adoptados pela Organização Mundial de Saúde. Mas, obviamente, não bastará prolongar a vida, é também importante que os anos que se ganham sejam …

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11.18 € 11.77 € Papel
Dealing with Testing Times
Dealing with Testing Times
Robert Elias Najemy

Learn how to remain healthy, happy, and positive during Testing Times in this all-encompassing book that will surely enrich your life. Discover how you can transform all situations and events into opportunities to become a stronger, happier person. Cultivate positive thoughts and feelings, and use Energy Psychology to free yourself from fear, anxiety, and other negative emotions. Use Twelve-Step Manifestation Process to manifest your ideal life. Transform your current reality by using methods to create alternative perceptions that result in more inspired solutions. Learn the art of living in the present moment, letting go of the importance you give to …

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8.77 € 9.23 € eBook EPUB
The Desolation of a Tortured Soul
The Desolation of a Tortured Soul
George Colby Hoffman

My story begins in my home state of Maryland, where I was the youngest of three children. From my earliest memories, I was the victim of severe abuse at the hands of my birth father, which I endured throughout my adolescent years.During this time I was visited by two angels who have accompanied me my entire life. They told me that I would suffer many things and be hated by all men, but if I kept my faith in God, I would have a special place in heaven. Once my mother left my birth father, she moved us to her …

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9.12 € 9.60 € eBook EPUB
Phil Mickelson
Phil Mickelson
Belmont and Belcourt Biographies

Philip Alfred Mickelson was born to be one of the best golfers in the world. He started playing golf about the time he could walk without holding on for support, he ran away from home at age 3 1/2, telling neighbors he was going to the golf course, and he went on to win a PGA Tour event as a junior in college. Most fans are aware of Mickelson’s accomplishments and failures on the golf course, but in order to truly understand Phil Mickelson, you must first understand where he came from. This unauthorized biography explores Mickelson’s upbringing, his college …

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1.75 € 1.84 € eBook EPUB
Asma bronquial. ejercicios terapéuticos para el tratamiento
Asma bronquial. ejercicios terapéuticos para el tratamiento
En este libro, escrito con un lenguaje sencillo y dirigido a todo tipo de público, no solo podrá conocer las características, tipos y factores de riesgo del asma, sino también, las medidas preventivas para evitar llegar a ser un asmático persistente. Además tendrá a su disposición diferentes ejercicios terapéuticos de simple realización que le ayudará a prevenir esta enfermedad.
12.06 € 12.69 € Papel
Sandstorms & Mirages
Sandstorms & Mirages
Cecilia Bravo-Mittmann
Poems written to remember those soldiers who served and lost their lives in the Iraqi War.
8.77 € 9.23 € eBook EPUB
La felicidad: qué ayuda y qué no. Psicología para entendernos
La felicidad: qué ayuda y qué no. Psicología para entendernos
Leocadio Martín Borges

En este libro pongo a tu disposición mi caja de herramientas psicológicas para ayudarte a entenderte y a entender al mundo que nos rodea. Le daremos significado al sentido común, comprendiendo que las personas somos un continuo balance de emociones, motivaciones y sentimientos. Y que es precisamente ahí donde reside lo que hemos dado en llamar nuestra felicidad. Caminaremos juntos por nuestro derecho a estar tristes, como fundamento de una vida plena. Más allá de la dictadura de una felicidad impuesta, que se mete en nuestras casas, casi como las dietas de adelgazamiento. Las personas somos caleidoscópicas y para saber …

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8.54 € 8.99 € eBook EPUB
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