
Julie L. Kessler

Fifty-Fifty, The Clarity of Hindsight is a compilation of the lessons learned by a fifty-year old lawyer, wife, mother, daughter of immigrant parents, survivor and thriver, though not of course always in that order. By professional and personal circumstances, the author has traveled to nearly fifty countries, lived abroad as an expatriate twice (first in Japan and then in France) and speaks several languages. The book apropos of the title, contains fifty chapters, recounts many fascinating travel vignettes and astute observations, reflects on interesting work related "war" stories, and is often hilarious as only truth can be - and sometimes …

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9.12 € 9.60 € eBook EPUB
Ernest Shackleton

Sur es la historia del viaje más importante de Sir Ernest Shackleton, narrada por él mismo: la Expedición Imperial Transantártica. Sintiendo que el orgullo de su patria, Gran Bretaña, estaba perdido al no haber sido el primer país en alcanzar el Polo Sur geográfico —el noruego Roald Amundsen lo había conquistado en 1911—, Shackleton planificó un nuevo viaje con grandes ambiciones. No sólo se proponía llegar al Polo Sur, sino que soñaba con atravesar a pie el vasto continente blanco, desde el mar de Weddell hasta el mar de Ross, una distancia total de 2900 kilómetros.
En los albores de la …

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8.77 € 9.23 € eBook EPUB
Hero on a Honda
Hero on a Honda
Anthony Richard Farmer

As an adult, I knew I would have to visit India, the place of my birth. My father was a British Indian Army Officer and my mother, the daughter of a soldier, was brought to India when she was 20 months old. She left India in 1947, married and with her two children, making a hurried exit before the partition of India. I have always felt I had India in my blood. My first breath, sound, taste, touch, and sight were of India. In March 2012, in my 67th year, I set off on a return journey, not as a …

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9.12 € 9.60 € eBook EPUB
Historic Maritime Maps
Historic Maritime Maps
Enrico Medail, Donald Wigal, Cocinar Hoy

This book presents a selection of oceanic charts dating from the 13th to the 17th century. Though to us they may appear rudimentary, they bear excellent witness to the achievements of the early European navigators, and to their determination to explore the very ends of the Earth. What the charts may lack in geographical accuracy they undoubtedly make up for in charm. And of course they are priceless historical records. Recounting the epic voyages of maritime exploration, from Erik the Red to Robert Peary, author Donald Wigal leads us on an exciting journey from Terra Incognita to the World As …

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16.04 € 16.88 € eBook EPUB
Pegadas de Fogo
Pegadas de Fogo
Federico Ezequiel Gargiulo

Pegadas de Fogo é a história real de três jovens comuns que, um dia como qualquer outro, decidiram aventurar-se em um dos lugares mais virgens e remotos da face da Terra: a Península Mitre, no extremo sul - oriental de Tierra del Fuego (Terra do Fogo). Nestas páginas, o autor conta, de maneira ágil e cativante, os detalhes de uma expedição realizada a pé durante o outono de 2005 para um lugar totalmente inacessível, sem estradas nem povoados; um terreno hostil onde se respira solidão. Ao longo desta travessia de mais de 500 quilômetros, estes jovens exploradores tiveram de enfrentar-se …

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7.01 € 7.38 € eBook EPUB
Between Cliffs and Airports
Between Cliffs and Airports
Maximiliano Mills

Through unpredictable waves we are taken to the laboratory of outstanding faith, planned with playful zigzagging or violent changes, all within the goals of his imagination which he was never willing to give up on. This collection of personal milestones is captivating because of how well the narration is weaved, with moments of hilarious occasional suspense. It also opens, more than doors or windows, a parallel dimension that shows us how to never become discouraged when we have set a goal for ourselves. The author does not aspire to create literature, but indirectly invites us to reflect upon …

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4.42 € 4.65 € eBook EPUB
Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone
Patricia Tobaldo

All stories attempt to soften the truth. All the truths aim to be history. The facts dream of being just words that are diluted in the oblivion of time. It will be seen in this case that the truth claims to be history but only in the imagination. What I come to tell you happened in a land of peace where life was an indefinite article. In that place the seeds did well, the green stretched in gentle landscapes, the rice paddies ripened in time, the trees gained height, dry and raining seasons flowed in perfect synchronization; the rain poured …

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3.63 € 3.82 € eBook EPUB
Explora Grecia 1
Explora Grecia 1
Varios Autores

La mejor compañera de viaje para descubrir todos los rincones de la Grecia más paradisíaca.Arte e historia se aúnan en Grecia, cuna de la civilización occidental, en forma de bellos templos, monumentos y palacios. Navegar hasta calderas volcánicas y puertos, recorrer interminables islas en busca de las mejores playas y saborear deliciosas cocinas regionales, son algunas de las actividades que aguardan al viajero en este paraíso. Amantes de la playa y de la montaña disfrutarán a partes iguales, ya sea perdiéndose en las transparentes aguas azules de Antipaxos o recorriendo los olivares y viñedos de Cefalonia . Degustar la increíble …

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17.77 € 18.71 € eBook PDF
Ernest Shackleton

South is the story of the most important trip undertaken by Sir Ernest Shackleton as told by himself: the Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition. Feeling that the pride of his homeland, Great Britain, was lost as it had not been the first country to reach the Geographic South Pole — the Norwegian Roald Amundsen had conquered it in 1911 — Shackleton planned an extremely ambitious adventure that had not yet been accomplished: Not only did he intend to reach the South Pole but he also dreamt of crossing the vast white continent, from the Weddell Sea to the Ross Sea, a total …

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8.77 € 9.23 € eBook EPUB
Sentiers de Feu
Sentiers de Feu
Federico Ezequiel Gargiulo

Sentiers de feu est l’histoire réelle de trois jeunes qui ont décidé de s’aventurer dans un des endroits les plus sauvages et inaccessibles de la terre, la péninsule Mitre, située à l’extrémité sud orientale de la région de Terre de Feu. Dans ces pages, l’auteur raconte dans un style agile et captivant, les détails d’une expédition à pied réalisée pendant l’automne 2005, dans une région inhabitée et dépourvue de route et de voie d’accès, dans un terrain hostile où l’on respire la solitude. Tout au long de cette traversée de plus de cinq cents kilomètres, les jeunes explorateurs ont dû …

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6.96 € 7.33 € eBook EPUB
Explore Europe on a Motorbike
Explore Europe on a Motorbike
Siegfried Engels

During my last year before retirement as an agricultural engineer, the idea to travel Europe popped into my mind. The more I thought about it, the bigger the plan grew and in more detail. One month after retirement, I was in London, looking around for an adventure bike to buy, and did just that within a week. The same day, I left for France and this wonderful adventure started. I had a rough plan with only the different countries in sequence, with no bookings in advance except a visa for Ukraine and obviously for Europe. My idea of exploring a …

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8.77 € 9.23 € eBook EPUB
The Package Tour Industry 2nd Edition
The Package Tour Industry 2nd Edition
Vincent Cobb

Millions of us take package holidays for granted every year but did you ever wonder how it all began? Thanks to Vincent Cobb's 35 years of experience working in the travel industry culminating in his position as managing director of Thomson Holidays, we can learn all about the tricks that formed the basis of the business at its outset. This fascinating book allows us to observe the industry's steep learning curve from its infancy in the late '50s to the present day, using you as guinea pigs. You will find this a gripping yet refreshingly humorous account. The author tells …

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8.77 € 9.23 € eBook EPUB
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